Measurable, is the Power of Empowered words 

So great is the impact of words upon people, that rarely sensed or understood. This power either hurts or heals; either crushes or builds; either breeds hatred or transforms.

Story of Words

The taxi was speeding, my mind raced faster. Things ran passed, I noticed none, ‘Asa Kusa, Main Road’, echoed repeatedly in my head.
A polite voice broke my slumber “Madam”, then “Asa Kusa temple,”
"Is it on the Main road?” I inquired holding my breath.
"Yeah”, answered the taxi driver.
 I paid him and stepped out. A huge temple gate stood on the other side of the road. A mass of people bustled on the temple compound. Serpent like I passed through, keen eyed to catch a glimpse of known faces.

Image-| Need To Empower Words | Writing Wings

Power Of Words Is Measurable 

Graphic Design by Ina

“Come to the spot, where people wash their hands before entering the temple”,
 I was informed through a long awaited phone call, struggling to get connected over an hour. I couldn’t locate the spot. All I saw were the huge temple lamps and heads of people everywhere, blocking my sight. No twist or turn brought me any relief in my quest.
“What, if all had already left for another destination?” I contemplated and almost crippled myself with the troubling thought. An abrupt left turn halted me to a familiar shoulder back. One minute ago I almost collided with it. Softly I placed my palm upon it. With a startle turning back she cried out-
 “Oh! Ma’am, here you are at last!”

Cloud of emotions which was bellowing inside, found relief. Sweat once shed, was forgotten after reaching a destination, what life taught me that day.

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Power Of Words Is Profound

Asa Kusa Temple - Japan |Story Backdrop |

However my relief had been short lived, before I could respond, a gunshot of questions hit me from all corners, who so ever was around and chose to pin me down.

”Where were you?”
“You didn’t answer any phone calls, why?’’
 “We waited and waited looking for you, but in vain.”
I tried to mumble my side of story” I was in the room…..”
No sooner than said an infuriated voice cut me through-
.”Ha! How could you? When the wake -up call was at 6.30, in the morning?”

I stood no chance to justify my reason against a sea of torrent waves of reactions, striking and pushing me into the whirlpool of their disgust. Those were arising from prolonged withheld anxiety and anger. My throat felt dry, then a lump choked it and no words came out of me.

Instant reaction as I had to face, is a blessing of our obsessions with new age machines. People are prone to machine like, prompt and impulsive reactions , which is much in contrary to human nature in receiving. Often misused words  bring in pain, spread distress.

Within no time ‘I’ being the cause of all their distress, succumbed me completely. Overwhelming emotions crushed every little desire of mine to defend. I was numb, my senses defied to retaliate. Standing there, I felt as if ‘crucified alive,’ amid a crowd of people with whom I couldn’t relate to, nor could they. A fireball of guilt began tearing my image to shame first and disillusionment later.

Bewildered Writer Watching Koi Fishes At Play | Story Background | Power Of Words

Impact Of Words Is Measurable

Hurt & Bewildered Writer Watching Koi Fishes At Play
Koi Fishes Are Considered Very Auspicious In Japan
Story Backdrop 


Time and over I have come to realize, guilt is a conditioned response. One may choose to shed it off quickly. But pent up emotions often block to do so, especially at a moment of acute distress. Unfortunately many victims withdraw silently like me,   their hearts aching, bearing the burden of crushed self-images.

Then a voice spoke beside me,
”I came to your room, knocked, waited for an answer.”         
 Something in the tone made me to look up. Words struggled within, yet failed to break free. In an unbearable stress I uttered –
“No message was left behind.”

Quietness fell between us and it didn’t hurt. That was better than the words; those tussled earlier and poured out meaninglessly, causing injuries. Silence then rested upon my bruised soul.

Vinita Dwara Singh, a well-known writer, comments-
“You say it best, when you say nothing at all”.

That was the day I missed the train and was in anguish, with the torrent words as poured over me all through the day. For I had to share with the world, the harsh truth about miseries, our words often bring to the people. 

A Drive for Empowering Actions

Need To Empower World People With Empowered Words | Power Of Words | Personal Essay | Writing Wings

Empowered Words, Empowered People, Empowered World

Empowering Words Create Abundance

Such realization if dawned upon us, that, those words which emitted empathy, joy, would build ways to human abundance and transmit peace in the world, were the only Empowered words'. A proven fact by Dr. Masaru Emoto of Japan & a landmark discovery of measurable power of words, would go a long way transforming human bonding by empowering words with positive words, creating a true Border-less, Abundant Human World.

That Day will glorify we are truly "The People 
of One World ".

Empowering Begets Empowered World

Empower Self to Empower Others

 Empower Self 

To Help Empower Others


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*Global World

Now it is time for you to speak

Did you too face a similar situation, when words hurt you much? What lesson did you learn from that episode ? Share in the comment section.

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