What a Famished World I Witnessed At Hiroshima!

Childhood deserted, souls tattered, the world was in doom. While a thoughtful action could have saved, if a heart sensed the disastrous wrong that had been caused, if...if only a voice that was loud enough and heard, could have stopped the heinous act crushing the Demonic Impostor, thus preventing the massacre.

 9th of April, 2018 and where I stand, there, one can hear every sound so clearly. The sound of tree branches swinging, the leaves rustling and the whistling of wind. Crackling sound of shoes rubbing the concrete road beneath. Even though many people are standing by and so the children but... noiselessly, as if any sound made will be to undermine the gravity of  the most tragic happening, that is so far known in the human history. I'm at Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. As I raise my eyes, I find the Haunted looking A-Bomb dome standing at the backdrop, a testimony of atomic explosion. Whereas a couple of meter away from it is the plaque placed in water by the Japan Peace Foundation, with the tragic story engraved on it. The purpose being to awaken the  people of the world about the un-believable bitter truth of the most tragic moment, of the day, i.e. 6th of August,1945.

Impact Of Atomic Detonation

Fateful Day | Life Stopped | Hiroshima Prefecture | Japan

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

What I Felt At That Moment:

“Shut your eyes and feel me in pain”,

As I learnt about the ill fated day, then a voiceless scream kept reverberating to my ears. Whereas, a couple of minutes ago, my eyes were running over the plaque, appeared to me grasping breathlessly, while telling the world, what had been written on it, a tale of assault, that followed the people's acute sufferings which no human eyes could bear. The plaque placed deep in water, as a messenger, bridging time, pleading mercy for the suffering souls from  mankind to think, reflect before executing such thought-less crime. An appeal made to help sense the deep pain and a grave warning not to be a cause for  such wounds and sufferings, which could not  be healed in any life-time. Then I strongly sensed a heart wrenching pang, shattering my belief that, ‘People always stand for other people’. While my soul cried inside, while a flooding tempest came unwarranted, crumbling every attribute that defined 'HUMANITY, slowly erasing my life-long un-wavered belief in ‘humanity’. A moment came when I  no more be able to bear the site and stand there any other second, reflecting, about what the site might 
have looked like seventy three years ago. Then I realized what unaccountable 
sufferings had been caused from man-to-man, same species to same species,
 not seen in any other species around the world otherwise. My eyes felt heavy,
my eyelids dropped, that shut the site from me.

Atomic Explosion Victim | Hiroshima

Long Term Atomic Radiation Hazard

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

What Atomic Detonation Victim Says:

Seiko Kamatsu, atomic bomb explosion survivor in Japan had been telling the children when they played games on computers, that if they pushed a button mistakenly; they might cause a nuclear fire, and if they did, then they would experience 'Nuclear Winter’, like he had faced & experienced its un-bearable severity , tin his life time in Japan, during atomic explosion, in world war 2. He then continued informing the children that during nuclear winter, the aftermath of atomic detonation, emitted particulates, smoke; debris from explosion blocked the sun, that caused freezing summer, beyond the tolerant capacity of man to survive. Such had been the severity of climate.

Many Children Lost In Atomic Detonation At Hiroshima In 1945 | Japan |

Many Children Left For School Never To Return

Children Were Nipped At Bud 

For No Fault Of Theirs

(Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum)

A Waring:

No! No more nuclear weapons”, Warned President Kazumi Matasui of Peace Culture Foundation, Hiroshima, Japan. And he deeply sensed the reason to convey the most crucial message, needed for survival of human beings in this world. 

Reflection- what we learn & need to adopt in Life:

What it reminds me and all others in this world that –this wonderland of people has been created once! Yet still wars continue. Innocent children who are the worst sufferers of wars. Do we adults, considering ourselves as civilized, sense their massive pain and loss? What it is like, to hold heart wrenching traumatic childhood experiences of losing parents and near ones at wars? Do we understand that, such experiences show irreversible repercussions in their adulthood too. Just look at the conditions and life threatening crisis the  children at the war affected areas are facing in  SyriaGaza, Ukraine. Children never ever want any wars, what they want  is to live and flourish in a peaceful , secure progressive world, around them. Under the blue sky in a free world.

 What we adults tend to forget that, dignified survival is a basic right of every human life. Most importantly so, as this world is a precious gift presented to us by our supreme power of all creations. We hold no right executing any thought-less actions creating a dire and fatal world thus burdening our future generation to toil, suffer, leading them to a point of violence, and no future for a better world to see. Can we adults bring a hope and act accordingly to create a world that is survivable, and sustainable? Therefore, what can we  all adults do? Just this- we can resolve ourselves to re- create joys, simple ways to peace, for progressive human development with healthy mind sets. Ushering in abundance leaving all perverted thinking which cause human massacres. 

Empowering Children :

We people on this land  require only to extend our touch, a hug, and be sensitive enough to kindle a flame of hope in all human beings, and especially to #the children of this world.   


           What Do The Children Affected Of Conflicts Feel?

                                      Read Them                   

-Ina(Rina Bose)

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