Be Different, Make a Difference
Abandoning life, I am in a writing trove. Scratching my grey cells, roosting with my soul, to give creative vents to my cookies, my writing, to be different and make a difference.
Dark nights have turned into die hard brainstorming hours, reversing the clock hands into an alternate gear.While my weapon, a pen, amid the sleeping world juggles to create a unique niche for me.
Growing up as a wandering soul, mostly in nature, unspoken words addressed to the trees, sky ,birds. My peer while engaged in socializing, I instead kept discovering the world finding it more alluring, by befriending the books, nature, adventures, drawing inspiration and life force. To me, I was happy with my world, being myself.
Education was a challenge, being a creative, for the talents awaited a vent. Along the way, time and tide washed the soul to watch the world with an insight, unlike others. Creative and unmatched. That's how I landed on my creative trove unfurling my writing wings and my journey continued and would do so till I breathe my last breath.
Today I write for a living connecting the world, being 'me' and beyond comparison.
Be with my writing trove,
"Writing Wings"
-Ina (pen name)