Creative Director- Ina of Writing Wings


                      Be Different, Make a Difference


Abandoning life, I am in a writing trove. Scratching my grey cells, roosting with my soul, to give creative vents to my cookies, my writing, to be different and make a difference.

Dark nights have turned into die hard brainstorming hours, reversing the clock hands into an alternate gear.While my weapon, a pen, amid the sleeping world juggles to create a unique niche for me.

Growing up as a wandering soul, mostly in nature, unspoken words addressed to the trees, sky ,birds. My peer while engaged in socializing, I instead kept discovering the world finding it more alluring, by befriending the books, nature, adventures, drawing inspiration and life force. To me, I was happy with my world, being myself.
Education was a challenge, being a creative, for  the talents awaited a vent. Along the way, time and tide washed the soul to watch the world with an insight, unlike others. Creative and unmatched. That's how landed on my creative trove unfurling my writing wings and my journey  continued and would do so till I breathe my last breath.

Today I write for a living connecting the world, being 'me' and beyond comparison.

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Be with my writing trove, 

"Writing Wings" 

-Ina (pen name)

More about 'Ina' (Rina Bose)

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