Is Health A Commodity? | Wellness

Life Story In Every Home 

The Lifestyles we acquire are basically founded upon the choices we make in adopting our day to day habits & commodities we purchase to run our lives. On the contrary our health we develop is nothing but our choices we make in this modern age. We all know that like busy bees we are rushing in rocket- speed to manage innumerable things at the same time, but at what cost?

Life story in every home today is alike, such as, lunch boxes packed in a hurry, filling with sandwiches, burgers, pastas, noodles. On the weekends many of us go for brunch skipping proper breakfast, waking up late in the morning after week-long toil at work places or attending late night parties at pubs or social gatherings.

How many of us care about the choices we are making? Especially, what we eat in a week or what sort of lifestyles we lead? May be a handful of us are wise enough in making right choices for commodities or healthy lifestyles, and the number is not beyond this. The story of modern life does not end there. What about physical exercises? If there is a park nearby your house then you may find a couple of elderly people taking morning or evening rounds. But where are our youth? Well, they do visit gyms spending several bucks, but can not be seen in any parks taking runs, or doing exercises, using those exercise bars and other equipment fixed to keep them fit, which are easily available free of cost. Moreover all equipment adorning a gym often turn heavily and unsuitable even for the youth. Further how many of them are good enough in taking care and looking for alternatives, or search for other easy solutions to keep in good health?

Relation between our Physical And Mental Health

Repercussion of ill choices on our wellbeing both physically and mentally is huge.

Impacts of ill habits and incorrect lifestyles on our health. 
Lets check :-

What do we achieve adopting to this sort of modern lifestyle?

Overeating habits for not scheduling food intake times

At times not feeling hungry and skipping meals due to preoccupation with tasks at hand

Muscle rigidity for not following healthy physical work out regimes

Headache due to improper work schedule without any break in between

Disturbed sleep for prolonged engagement with modern gadgets and technologies

When do we need to realize and check our adopted lifestyles?

When we watch frequent mood swings at work place or home

Find general weakness, muscle pains, fatigue

Get insomnia on regular basis

When there is recurring sense of loss, jobs, social status

Persistent guilt feeling as a person

Anxiety in meeting career targets or personal goals

What can we do to help ourselves

Check our food habits and eat healthy meals. For, the right kind of food and eating habits help us to manage our physical well being.

Exercise- simple walk or brisk walk, being with nature, run, perform simple yogic exercises, involve ourselves in activities we enjoy doing.

Go for check ups when we watch some symptoms, understanding the gravity of problems and their adverse impacts on our lives.

Research findings

When we make efforts to keep ourselves physically and mentally well, we feel good about ourselves as then, our sense of worth boosts feel good chemicals to deal with life's challenges, enhancing our capacities to function well utilizing opportunities. We learn to enjoy freedom and have control, and moreover

Hopefully, we need to understand and make right choices, learning that- 

Health is not a commodity but an asset, worth to create 

for a wealthy life.

-Article by the Wellbeing Specialist & Author - Ina


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