Epitome Of Success | SPaintings | Art Gallery

Lord Ganesha is the son of God Shiva & Goddess Parvati in Hindu religion. He epitomizes wisdom, success & good luck. His blessings before taking any new endeavor, remove obstacles & bring success.

Spainting | Deity | Goddess Durga | Epitome Of Power & Strength


Third Eye of Goddess Parvati, She is a symbol of 

                     Power & Strength.

Bust Of Ganesh | SPainting

Bust Of Lord Ganesha. His right hand gestures blessings.

Spainting | Deity | Lord Ganesh | Worshipped All Over India For Removing Obstacles In Careers & Home

Lord Ganesh is worshipped to ward off all negative energies.

Spainting | Deity | Ganesh | God who removes all negative energy

Baby Ganesh is an idol for every Hindu home
in India

Spainting | Deity | Lord of Success & Prosperity- Lord Ganesha

Dancing Ganesha is joyous imitation of his father God Shiva, who is being an unmatched dancer of the world.

All Paintings Are Originally Hand Painted By SPaintings

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