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A Cause

'I have lost my life purpose'

 We cry out; than make a real attempt to search, 'Do I need a life purpose?' The former one reflects we are losing our passion for living. And the second one, if given a chance to create a purpose, that nurtures an inherent desire to relive. 

The day we start realizing how small actions help us to seek purpose in existing, we help ourselves by creating passion for our existence. 'Life without a purpose, is like surviving without a cause to exist.' Such a life brings monotony, boredom, hopelessness. For it fails to extend one's contribution beyond the community one is existing with, which is unable to bring a sense of fulfillment.

We may not imagine how our small actions can bring changes and help bloom great possibilities one day, for many. However  a passion for a cause  gives meaning to our existence, when we try to serve beyond our families, our communities, for the larger people.

'Living for a Cause' is a passion created for existence.

Newsletter for A Cause


Flagship March

Flagship March | Newsletter | Spotlight

Flagship March | F-TEC Skill Development Initiative


Can We Escape?

Plantation by trainees of F-TEC, Delhi, India

Plantation by F-TEC Trainees | Delhi | India

Our ambitions seem unlawful for survival!

 The quest for building sky scrappers, taming nature to benefit mankind has soared sky rocketing. Havoc thus created, has damaged nature's equilibrium

Impact so produced is scary to the point of no return. Indifferent and intolerant attitude to provide enough time to nature, for its renewal on its own, has drastically deteriorated the condition for human survival.


The National Geographic reports that forests cover 30% of land area, but swaths half the size of England are lost every year. Negative Impact on Environment is alarming, creating- 

   1. temperature swing

   2. global warming.

New Plantations still equals to a tiny fraction to revive the greenery lost. The country INDIA is in a nation with wide mission to 'GREEN INDIA' 
This initiative has permeated to individual level, for a novel cause of human survival.

Plantation & Preservation | Newsletter | Writing Wings

Greening India | Govt. of India Project

An Initiative by F-TEC, Kalkaji, Delhi, India, A Pioneer Institute in Skill Development

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